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Hi, I’m Luke.

So, funny story, I never thought I’d end up here.

I started a computer science degree about 10 years ago, dropped out to be a freelance photographer and thought that was it. I was loving life, doing my hobby as my job, working for cool clients, travelling up and down the country…

Until 2020, and poof!

Just like that, it was all gone.

A whole lot of filler story later, I decided to go back to my roots from the early 2010’s and decided to go head first into software engineering - and jeez, was it one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Engineer-y things

Now I am a backend engineer working for Digital Futures, a consulting company working with some of the biggest names in the tech industry.

My current role has given me a chance to work with technologies which have quickly become my favourite, help my peers learn new things, and be an integral part of making a project come together.

I am at my best when I am writing APIs, working with databases, and DevOps, guiding and mentoring where I can, and learning things that make a positive difference to my work and the work of everyone around me.

Why not have a chat?

If you would like to have a chat about anything software engineering - get in touch! I’ll take any chance I can to nerd out.